Boat Deck Repair Epoxy

boat deck repair epoxy

By tom pawlak. editor’s note: this article was written in 2000, years before we formulated g/flex 655 epoxy which has superior performance with plastics. the basic plastic boat repair methods described here still represent best practices, but for optimal results use these methods with g/flex 655 epoxy on plastics.. All of the interior wood repair on a glass boat is best done in the spring, after the boat has been out of the water, under cover, and dried out. no epoxy effectively adheres to wet wood, and cpes™ certainly will not displace liquid water. a bit of moisture is okay, for there are carrier solvents to help displace them.. Whether you want to repair gelcoat cracks or a delaminating deck, install a bulkhead or even cold-mold a brand-new hull, you can create an epoxy mixture with the precise characteristics you need. we’ve found that using epoxy products has added a whole new dimension to our boat repair skills..

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Wood preservation, rot repair, and restoration using epoxy ...

Wood preservation, rot repair, and restoration using epoxy

boat deck repair epoxy Epoxy all the way for me, just the lack of fumes is worth the extra $. really, if the deck had been done with epoxy to begin with, you wouldn't be having this conversation b/c it is 5x as flexable, 10x better adhesive in secondary bonding, & 100% waterproof.. 3. coat the back side with two or three coats of epoxy before reinstalling, to prevent moisture from penetrating the bottom of the new floor. it is also very important to completely seal the edges of the plywood and the fastener holes. sealing the edges of the plywood is especially important at the edges of a deck on a pontoon boat..
